"Graters of the Lost Carp" is an original movie written and directed by Mike Aronson. The original music was composed, arranged and produced by Rob Birdwell.
See the IMDB.com listing for the Cast, Crew and other credits.
Music from the original movie, Graters of the Lost Carp, written and directed by Mike Aronson, with an original score composed, arranged, and produced by Rob Birdwell.
Rob Birdwell says:
"This fantastical farce is truly one of a kind! It was so fun to write the music for this film. Mike Aronson wrote a great script and the cast and crew made it all come to life! Sure it's a no-budget offering; of course the cast and crew are all amateurs (in the best sense of the word). But in an age of slick polished turds, this honest, funny, well-crafted and highly entertaining film will win you over! It's sure to be a cult classic someday!"
Links and More Info
- IMDB.com listing for additional cast, crew and production information.
- Graters of the Lost Carp on Facebook
- Preview / Trailer on YouTube.com
Buy the DVD?
As of this writing only Mike Aronson would know this. I currently am assuming folks can get more inforamation from the Graters of the Lost Carp Facebook Page as it seems the previous distributor's web site is no longer up.